Why Facebook restrict your post reach

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Repurposing your Social Media...

Repeats, oh yes - there's gold dust in repeats...

Are you making the MOST of your excellent content?  Those considered, researched, drafted, written and re-written blogs can be working much harder than you may think...

In this blog, I am not looking to discuss which platform you should be blogging on, maybe that's a subject for a later post.  This blog is to encourage you to make the most of the blogs you have created by carefully re-purposing them.

So what is Repurposing?  Simply the recycling, re sharing of original content.  Sharing in different formats (audio, video, infogram...).  Sharing on different platforms, Facebook, LinkedIn etc.  And Sharing at different days / times.

Recycling Logo Blog to LinkedIn to Facebook to Twitter etc
Recycle your Content
Why would you do this?  Surely repeating yourself will discourage people form following you?  Not if you give it some thought, a little planning, a Re-Purposing Strategy no less...

The benefits include -

Efficiency - Making your good content work hard for you.  Increasing your reach, your audience and engagement.

Effectiveness - Repurposing can help you ... BE EVERYWHERE !
      Different People like to engage using different media...
      Different People like different social media platforms...
      Different People engage with social media at different times...

So - your fabulous blog, once posted as a blog, could, when re-packaged, sliced up and 're-purposed', provide you with weeks and weeks of content to share.

As an example lets look at the following... consider a blog, "My Favourite 5 Social Media Tools" (There's a title for the future, 'my top 5' hasn't been done before ;) )

Consider the following (simplified) chart of a proposed re-use strategy...

How many posts from one re-purposed blog

Even on these modest figures you can see the blog would provide over 35 posts and tweets.  And that's just the blog as a 'text' based medium.  We can also present this as a video, audio mp3/podcast, infogram, many more ways to share the blog and its components.

But, it gets better, there's a further dimension, TIME.  Ignoring the affect of Ripples in Space/Time (that too may be a future blog ;) ).  A key strategy in re-purposing is to share your content on different days and at different times...

How many posts / tweets is that now?  We're going to need a bigger calculator...

Actually, we ARE going to need some help.  To have any chance of doing this effectively you have to consider automating the sharing of this content.    Otherwise, all you will be doing all day long would be posting content, I love Social Media - but that's not the way.

LOL - I sense a future Blog 'My top 5 Social Media scheduling tools'.


Lets connect -

I am on LinkedIn here  https://uk.linkedin.com/in/mickholloway

I am on Facebook here - https://www.facebook.com/mick.holloway

I am on Twitter here    @mick_holloway


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