Why Facebook restrict your post reach

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Showing your geographic contact details.... ?

I manage a number of Social Media Groups and Communities.  They are pretty dynamic groups with some excellent contributors and proactive members .... so you would think they take some managing?  Not at all, we have very few rules (no spam or blatant sales, keep it legal) and I rarely have to remove any content.  Of course I am regularly engaging with the groups - but then I would do wouldn't I?  So I don't see that as managerial overhead.

One thing I do do, I get to know every one that applies to join.  Doesn't take long, by definition they usually have various Social Media Profiles, so its a few clicks, a few minutes and I am up to speed.  And... BONUS - I grow my Network.

TIMEOUT to cartwheel for an observation, of course the points made above should encourage you to do more with groups, and consider administering your own group ?

Back on piste... Reviewing a recent applicant, and I found myself trying to find where they were from, geographically.  I easily found an email and mobile number, and could connect socially with a click... So they weren't 'Networking by Stealth' - which if you have been to any of my training courses or meetings you will know ... Doesn't work ;)

However there was no mention 'anywhere' of where they were geographically based.  And I found myself looking hard, checking Profiles, Blog posts, Group discussions, Tweets, I even checked their web site - I would have looked in the Yellow Pages if I had a copy ;)  And it was quite clearly a conscious and well managed decision not to reveal where they were based.

It was an entirely understandable position to take as this was an online 'virtual services' business, however I still found myself disappointed and a little curios [I flirted with saying 'suspicious' there] as to where they are based and why not let us know...

So, am I alone... what do you think ?  Is it preferable to clearly state where you are geographically based, or doesn't it matter?

I feel a Poll coming on ;)



  1. It matters. Openness is important for trust. If you are trying to be something you are not you probably won't attract the right people to do business with and a lot of people prefer to do business with local people.

  2. The curious thing, that prompted me to share this, was how my search for an address (county, city or town) was subconscious. I didn't think "How come there is no location" then go look for an address. It was the other way round, I was running out of places to look when I thought "How come there is no location".

    So my default is to expect such location information, the openness you refer too.

    Thanks for commenting Michael.
