TIMEOUT to cartwheel for an observation, of course the points made above should encourage you to do more with groups, and consider administering your own group ?
Back on piste... Reviewing a recent applicant, and I found myself trying to find where they were from, geographically. I easily found an email and mobile number, and could connect socially with a click... So they weren't 'Networking by Stealth' - which if you have been to any of my training courses or meetings you will know ... Doesn't work ;)
However there was no mention 'anywhere' of where they were geographically based. And I found myself looking hard, checking Profiles, Blog posts, Group discussions, Tweets, I even checked their web site - I would have looked in the Yellow Pages if I had a copy ;) And it was quite clearly a conscious and well managed decision not to reveal where they were based.
It was an entirely understandable position to take as this was an online 'virtual services' business, however I still found myself disappointed and a little curios [I flirted with saying 'suspicious' there] as to where they are based and why not let us know...
So, am I alone... what do you think ? Is it preferable to clearly state where you are geographically based, or doesn't it matter?
I feel a Poll coming on ;)