Hello, and welcome to our Fifth Social
Media Blog where we will explore the features of Google+.
Last time we introduced Google Plus. In a sentence, Google know ‘Social is Key’ and Google+ is all about being
social. Google+ makes it easy, very
easy, to publish content rich information and get your messages in front of
potential customers. This time we will introduce
some of the features of the Google+ web site
Stream - Simply a news feed of the latest content shared by the people you’re
connected to on Google+, same as Facebook's news feed. Posts are listed by age, you can “like” a
post using google’s “+1”. You can share
posts with people you’re connected to. You
can post status updates via the “Share what’s new...” box. And sharing pictures, video and web links is
... trivial.
Circles – A crushingly simple way to organise your connections into social
groups, “Professional”, “Family”, “Friends” etc. This way Google gives you more control over
who see’s your output and your content, by sharing posts only to members of a
circle. This works in both directions,
you can control what content appears in your “stream” using Circles. Making sharing online more like sharing in
real life - different conversations with different people.
Hangouts - Easy, quick video
conferencing with up to 9 other people.
Organised, pre-arranged or casual by inviting people in your Circles
that are already on line. Cool enough, but recent developments include – Integration
with Google Docs, Sharing PC screens and a communal Sketchpad. Update - Hangouts are now a separate tool available outside of Google+
– Google Plus has a mobile app (Google own the
Android Operating System). As well as
Hangouts and Stream, two interesting app’s are - Messenger which allows
a number of separate conversations to run simultaneously in one simple group
chat. Instant Upload which seamlessly and instantly uploads
pictures to a private Google+ album, similar to Apple’s iCloud, but using
Communities - This is Google+ equivalent to LinkedIn Groups. Simply a forum to connect with people united by a common subject or interest. Great places to meet people to network with, to share your content, to find other people's content, to discuss matters, ask and answer questions.
Pages - Have your business on google for free. You can now have a Google+ Business Page, where your customers, and potential customers (as now you can be found on google searches, google maps, google+ and mobile) and can connect and keep on top of your news and posts.
Communities - This is Google+ equivalent to LinkedIn Groups. Simply a forum to connect with people united by a common subject or interest. Great places to meet people to network with, to share your content, to find other people's content, to discuss matters, ask and answer questions.
Pages - Have your business on google for free. You can now have a Google+ Business Page, where your customers, and potential customers (as now you can be found on google searches, google maps, google+ and mobile) and can connect and keep on top of your news and posts.
When you create your event, you get to choose from a number of different themed photos, or you can upload your own pictures or logo’s. You get to name your event, give details and instructions. And the remember this is Google so the location and directions can be viewed via Google Maps or Google Local - easily.
Where Google Plus Events wins over other online invitation offerings
what Google refer to as Party Mode functions.
Where guests can contribute their own pictures during and after the
event. And prior to an event, invitees can add comments. Google Plus Events can be private to groups of
individuals and circles, or made public for all users. You can search and
browse public events, allowing an unrestricted number of Google+ users to
Searching – And finally Google Plus inevitably has excellent
search functionality, some say its the next Google!!